Making a Living

Wield, David (1988). Making a Living. In: Crow, Ben; Thorpe, Mary and Wield, David eds. Survival and Change in the Third World. Oxford University Press, pp. 242–260.



This book, designed primarily as a text for undergraduate and graduate students, provides a framework of ideas accessible and useful to anyone interested in problems of development and underdevelopment in the Third World. Based on the highly successful Open University Third World Studies course, the chapters cover the following major areas among others: theories of development; colonial expansion and colonial economies; the development of industry and agriculture; the influence of the world economy on Third World development.

Survival and Change in the Third World focuses not only on industrial and agricultural production in Third World countries, but also on the people who are involved in making the economies function. With development issues impinging more and more upon established disciplines such as history, politics and sociology, it is expected that this book will provide the framework for further debate in the area of Third World studies.

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