'Not the message': media, meanings and magicality

Finnegan, Ruth (2001). 'Not the message': media, meanings and magicality. In: Knoblauch, Hubert and Kotthoff, Helga eds. Verbal Art across Cultures: The Aesthetics and Proto-Aesthetics of Communication. Tuebingen: Gunter Narr, pp. 33–61.

URL: http://www.narr.de/


About the book:
This collection deals with every-day (para)linguistic and visual communication processes and highlights their artful dimension. Aesthetic communication is not limited to artworks and the institutional art domains; nor is it sought in inner processes of conscious-ness or intentions, but instead on various levels of symbolic expression, above-all, in oral communication. The majority of the studies making up the collection are empirical and deal with various semiotic phenomena in a wide range of different cultures. They include video-analytic museum studies, conversation analyses of artistic oral genres and performance analyses in the domain of linguistic anthropology. All the contributing authors see verbal art as a mean-ingful process which can use all interactional modalities, from prosody and body language to wording.

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