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Finnegan, Ruth
About the book:
This greatly anticipated update of The Oral History Reader is a comprehensive, international anthology of major, ‘classic’ articles and cutting-edge pieces on the theory, method and use of oral history.
This wide-ranging volume illustrates similarities and differences in oral history from around the world, including examples from North and South America, Britain and Europe, Australasia, Asia and Africa. It also details the subjects – such as women's history, family history, gay and lesbian history, ethnic history and disability history – to which oral history has made a significant contribution.
This second edition is arranged into five thematic sections. The collection details issues in the theory and practice of oral history and covers influential debates in its development over the past sixty years. New chapters include:
interview methods and the oral history relationship
the use of testimony in truth and reconciliation politics
memory and interpretation
the digital revolution and new technologies for the creation, use and dissemination of oral history
community oral history projects
memory and history.