Age differences in graduate employment across Europe. REFLEX Report to HEFCE No 5

Little, Brenda and Tang, Win-Yee (2008). Age differences in graduate employment across Europe. REFLEX Report to HEFCE No 5. Higher Education Funding Coucil for England, London.


The report is based on the results of a major international study of graduate employment some five years after graduation. The report examines differences between European and UK graduates' patterns of employment and characteristics of their current work when age differences are taken into account. Overall UK graduates were both younger and older at entry to higher education compared with Europe as a whole. Such differences, when aligned with the longer duration of courses elsewhere in Europe, results in UK graduates being much younger on graduation than European graduates generally.

Regardless of age on graduation, UK graduates were more likely to have been faced with changes in their workplaces; were much more likely to supervise staff; and to have responsibility for assessing others' work. In fact, many of the overall similarities and differences in employment experiences of UK and European graduates reported in other reports in this series remained, even when age on graduation was taken into account.

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