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Ali, M. A; Karmakar, G. C. and Dooley, L. S.
Existing shape-based clustering algorithms, including fuzzy k-rings, fuzzy k-elliptical, circular c-shell, and fuzzy c-shell ellipsoidal are all designed to segment regular geometrically shaped objects such as circles, ellipses or combination of both. These algorithms however, are unsuitable for segmenting arbitrary-shaped objects, so in an attempt to address this issue, a fuzzy image segmentation of generic shaped clusters (FISG) algorithm was introduced that integrated generic shape information into the segmentation framework. It however, had a number of limitations relating to the mathematical derivation of the updated contour radius, the initial shape representation, and the impact of overlapping clusters. This paper proposes a new object based segmentation using fuzzy clustering (OSF) algorithm that solves these drawbacks by controlling the scaling of original shape, securing a better initial shape representation and avoids cluster overlapping, with both qualitative and quantitative results confirming the improved overall segmentation performance.