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George, Macgregor; Knoth, Petr; Walk, Paul; Dowson, Nicola; Eadie, Mick; Jones, Beverley and Martínez-García, Agustina
This submission addresses concepts associated with Rioxx version 3.0, the schema and specification for which was published in late 2023, following feedback gleaned during OR2023. 'Rioxx: The Research Output Schema' proposes a metadata profile to better ensure superior harvesting and ergo aggregation of scholarly content. It also promote greater semantic interoperability, as well as the graphing of essential research output relations. To assist with its metadata modelling, Rioxx version 3.0 introduces the concept of direct and external custodianship. This submission will explore this concept, establish how custodianship is reflected in the Rioxx schema, and demonstrate how such modelling benefits both repositories and external software agents (such as harvesters and aggregators). The submission will also demonstrate how Rioxx can be used to underpin aspects of open research policy monitoring.