Language learning websites; designing for usability

Shield, Lesley and Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes (2004). Language learning websites; designing for usability. TEL & CAL: Zeitschrift für Neue Lernkulturen, 1. Quartal(Jänner2004) pp. 27–32.


Usability issues have long been of interest in human-computer interaction (HCI), where the primary focus has been on technical and ergonomic factors. With the appearance of large numbers of language learning websites, understanding what makes such websites usable is increasingly important for language teachers and course designers. Website usability is often not planned in from the beginning of a development; where it is addressed at all, there is a tendency to rely on technical support staff to advise on usability, leading to an emphasis on technical issues alone. Pedagogical and intercultural aspects of usability are often overlooked and, as a result, the contribution that content providers could make towards the evaluation of their own websites is not even considered.

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