How can Networked Improvement Communities help School Leaders address inclusion challenges in their schools?

Wolfenden, Freda; Cooper, Deborah; Dawadi, Saraswati and Noacco, Elena (2024). How can Networked Improvement Communities help School Leaders address inclusion challenges in their schools? Foundation for Information Technology Education and Development Inc (FIT-ED), Manila, Philippines.

URL: https://nicsforschoolleaders.tpdatscalecoalition.o...


School leaders working with peers in networked improvement communities (NICs) and using continuous improvement tools such as the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle, are empowered to take an active role in identifying and making changes to address local issues of inclusion in their schools. This impact is strengthened when NICs are guided and supported by a facilitator and open digital resources. Our research shows school leader actions lead to reported improvements in education equity for students; increased enrolment and attendance, reduced attrition and greater participation in lessons. This form of Networked Improvement Communities is a relatively low-cost system strategy to improve inclusion and inclusive education. However, effective implementation requires commitment from all stakeholders within the education system.

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School leaders who participate in professional learning communities increase their motivation and skills to address inclusion issues in their skills.

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