Exploring Children’s Self-Reports of Victimisation Experiences and Solitary, Prosocial, and Aggressive Behaviours

Rix, Katie and Monks, Claire P (2024). Exploring Children’s Self-Reports of Victimisation Experiences and Solitary, Prosocial, and Aggressive Behaviours. Psychology International, 6(4) pp. 868–889.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/psycholint6040056


Young children’s social behaviour plays an important role in their lives. Most research makes use of reports from adults and peers, rather than speaking to young children about their own behaviour. The current study was exploratory and looked at children’s self-reports of solitary, prosocial and aggressive behaviours, and victimisation experiences, during the formative school years. Children aged between four and seven years (n = 193) were recruited from three primary schools. Using an innovative method with stick-figure animations, they were asked to provide frequency ratings of 16 of their own behaviours. Class teachers were also asked to provide ratings for the participating children’s behaviours. Key findings showed that children offer unique insight into their behaviour and experiences. Specifically, children’s self-reports of victimisation experiences are more complex than their teachers; and teachers were found to under-report solitary behaviour in boys in comparison to self-reports. Self-reports of prosocial and aggressive behaviour showed some possible social desirability amongst 6–7-year-olds, but there are also potential situational and gender biases in reports from their teachers. These findings show the importance of including young children’s self-reports in the study of their behaviour.

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