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Johnson, Scott N.; Waterman, Jamie M.; Hartley, Susan E.; Cooke, Julia; Ryalls, James M. W.; Lagisz, Malgorzata and Nakagawa, Shinichi
The performance of herbivorous animals depends on the nutritional and defensive traits of the plants they consume. The uptake and deposition of biogenic silicon in plant tissues is arguably the most basic and ubiquitous anti-herbivore defence used by plants, especially grasses. We conducted meta-analyses of 150 studies reporting how vertebrate and invertebrate herbivores performed when feeding on silicon-rich plants relative to those feeding on low-silicon plants. Silicon levels were 52% higher and 32% more variable in silicon-rich plants compared to plants with low silicon, which resulted in an overall 33% decline in herbivore performance. Fluid-feeding herbivore performance was less adversely impacted (−14%) than tissue-chewing herbivores, including mammals (−45%), chewing arthropods (−33%) and plant-boring arthropods (−39%). Fluid-feeding arthropods with a wide diet breadth or those feeding on perennial plant species were mostly unaffected by silicon defences. Unlike many other plant de-fences, where diet specialisation often helps herbivores overcome their effects, silicon negatively impacts chewing herbivores regardless of diet breadth. We conclude that silicon defences primarily target chewing herbivores and impact vertebrate and invertebrate herbivores to a similar degree.